Saturday, May 25, 2013

Setting Up a Multiple Effects

We all know that stompboxes are great. They sound better than multiple effects.
But, what if you can't afford them, even the amplifiers and cabinets? Using a multiple effects can be helpful for those who can't afford expensive amps and cabs, because most of multiple effects have a amp modeling and amp simulator, which allows you to tweak like a real amp and simulate the sounds of expensive amps and cabs that you can't afford.

Do you have a multiple effects unit? But, you can't create a patch that you are looking for? Here's some guides that may help you.

1.Effects List. If you're copying a tone from a song, listen to the that song and try to recognize the effects that were used in every part of the song. For example, the guitarist uses mild distortion, delay and reverb on the solo part. You need take that down, because it's not easy to copy, if you don't know what to copy.

2.Choose an amp and cabinet to use. Adjust the parameters or the knobs and make your clean tone. You should set the amp first, because this the foundation of your tone. You can't have a good tone, without setting your amp properly first.

3. Apply the Drive, such as overdrive, distortion, fuzz etc. Do not apply extreme amount of gain. Apply exact amount only, if you think that is not enough. Don't worry, that will sound heavier with bass and drums. I used to do it when I was starting, I always crank the gain in order to get good metal sound. Then I realized , I must focus in the frequencies.

You need to put drive before the other effects like modulations, delays, etc. Because it's hard to tweak the distortions when there is delay, flanger, phaser, etc. You need to hear the drive alone to set it to the way you want it to be.

4. Then apply the compressors, chorus, flanger, phaser etc.

5. Apply the delay and reverb. It's good to apply delay and reverb to solos to make it more colorful. Make sure that the volume of the feedback is lower than the normal notes you are playing.

You can make your tone in different ways, without following these steps. But, I think these method is easier and more effective.

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