Tuesday, May 28, 2013

How to Fix Fret Buzz

Fret Buzz

Fret Buzz - This happens when a string comes in contact with a fret and a buzzing sound occurs. This is the most frequent cause of annoying buzzes. Fret buzz is one of the common problems of guitars, if you are experiencing this, don't worry, because you are not alone. Fret buzz is also common to new guitars, because some new guitars did not undergo proper set up.

You can fix fret buzz, by setting the up the guitar or by simply increasing the action. Now I'm going show you the symptoms, possible cause, and the solution for it.

SymptomPossible CauseRemedy
Open String Buzz
Buzzes when played open, stops when string is fretted.
Worn or poorly cut nut slot is placing the strings too close to the frets near the nut.
Replace nut or shim to add height. Set up instrument properly.
One Spot Buzz
Buzzes on one note, or one area but stops when moving away from that spot.
Frets are not level, one or more is too high/low. Loose or sprung fret is rising out of the fingerboard. Hump in fingerboard. Wear or deep grooves in frets.
Secure all loose frets, level and dress. Fret leveling and/or replacement of worn frets.
Upper Fret Buzz
Buzzes where the neck attaches to the body. Notes seem to fret out when playing near the body.
On acoustics, section of fingerboard that is glued to the top may rise/fall with temperature/moisture extremes due to changes in the top.
Fingerboard is warped in a way to render the end too high (most common on archtop's).
Evaluate for dryness, humidify if necessary.
Frets near f/b extension may need leveling.
In rare cases the board must be planed to remove hump.
Buzzes When I Strum Hard
Buzzing occurs when strumming or picking aggressively but can be silenced when playing lightly.
Set Up
Insufficient relief in the neck.
Poor set up.
String gauge too light.
Adjust truss rod.
Set up instrument properly.
Use heavier strings.
Buzzes Everywhere
Buzzes nearly everywhere even though it is set up properly, will often disappear if string is fretted hard or closer to the fret and plucked softly.
Frets may be worn out or too low.
Very small fret wire used.
Replace frets.
Frets Out
Buzzes nearly everywhere all the time, strings are literally touching the frets in the center or other area of the fingerboard.
Truss rod may be way too tight back bowing the neck.
Neck could be a warped, or have excess back bow even after truss rod is loosened.
Set up instrument properly.
Adjust truss rod for more relief.
Use heavier strings if relief can not be created thru truss rod adjustment.

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